lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

Erectile dysfunction in young men

When erectile dysfunction affects you unexpected
Why do young people get erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a wide spread illness that nowadays not only affects older men but even young guys in their twenties and thirties. The reason for that lies in either their genetic because it lies in the family history like cancer for example or because of an unhealthy life style. 

When the erectile dysfunction is due to genetics don’t hesitate treating it because there is help out there. Recent research has shown that our DNA isn’t just there when we get born an we die with it – Bruce Lipton talks in his speeches and conferences about out ability to change our DNA with the power of our mind and thoughts.

This might seem philosophical and supernatural to you and you might not agree with him, but studies proof that we do can change our DNA. It’s more, our DNA changes each time our mood changes, if we want it or not. Therefore also erectile dysfunction can be eliminated when knowing how. 

If you believe that you’re going to suffer from erectile dysfunction in the future because your dad did, it’s very probable that you will get an erectile dysfunction because you will create it with your thoughts. But know that you have also the power to reverse it. 

Things happen when we believe they can happen. Look at the man who broke the world record as a sprinter, when the whole world believed that it was impossible that a human being could ever run that fast. After he had taught the world that it IS possible, the world record in sprinting was broken all the time because people believed then that they could.

The more people get erectile dysfunction, the more young people will think about whether they’re going to suffer from it too in the future, therefore many younger guys have erectile dysfunction now. It can be hard to believe that you create this illness, when it is the worst that could happen to you.

It happens on a subconscious level when erectile dysfunction or other illnesses are created through the mind. You don’t think one day: Oh, I’m going to create erectile dysfunction now. The fear to get it, the thought that your dad or granddad had or has it, hearing in the news that younger people are getting affected, all these things can trigger your subconscious which will then manifest in erectile dysfunction in your body.

It can take a while until you completely eliminate your erectile dysfunction and it is recommendable using potency enhancers now and again to pull yourself out of a depression but know that you can heal yourself only through the power of your thoughts.

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